

Invest in thematic portfolios of stocks & ETFs managed by AI.


Open to US Investors

Robo Advisor



50+ Employees

Experienced in AI, finance, and economics.


Target Return

The S&P 500 has returned 10%+ over the past decade



Users can sell their stocks during market hours.


50+ Employees

Experienced in AI, finance, and economics.

How You Earn


Invest From


Invest in

Stocks, Crypto, Gold


50+ Employees

Experienced in AI, finance, and economics.

Open to US Investors

Global stocks have returned more than 11% over the last decade according to the MSCI World Index.

In 2021, Bitcoin was crowned the best performing asset class of the decade with an annualized return of 230%.

Benefit from diversified exposure to all sectors of the economy.

Stocks and crypto are highly liquid, meaning users can exit their positions quickly and with minimal price impact.

Gold has outperformed the S&P 500 since the end of the US gold standard in the 1970s.

Can I trust Q.ai?

Q.ai is backed by Forbes—one of the top five financial sites in the world by traffic. Q.ai is also registered with the SEC, and is FDIC insured.


# of Users


Amount Raised



# of Users


Amount Raised





# of Users


Amount Raised




As of 2020, the total market cap of all publicly traded stocks stood at $93.7 trillion. And at its peak, the crypto market reached a market cap of $2.9 trillion. Over the past 10 years, stocks and crypto returned 152.90% and 12,923% respectively. Not to mention,  Gold is a reliable safe-haven asset, with a total market cap of $11 trillion and a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 9.4% since 2000. 

Q.ai takes the pain out of money management by offering AI-powered investment strategies called Investment Kits. Investment Kits are designed to follow specific investment themes like clean energy, cutting-edge technology or the weakening US dollar. 

There’s no human intervention in asset selection for Investment Kits. Q.ai’s AI uses the features of the securities over a multi-year history to “learn” and make weekly investment decisions. The result: a simplified investment experience in which AI manages your portfolio by trading stocks and ETFs on your behalf.

High Growth

10%+ returns over the past decade


Investment Kits include portfolio protection


Own stocks, gold and digital assets

Q.ai Pros & Cons

The Good
  • Backed by Forbes, one of the most reputable and popular financial sites in the world by traffic.

  • Generate a diversified AI portfolio aligned with your interests.

  • Fee-free investing with a low minimum investment.

  • AI-managed portfolio protection to minimize losses and maximize gains.

The Not-So-Good
  • Q.ai is a relatively new product whose track record has yet to be proven.

  • Only US citizens and residents can invest.

Q.ai Track Record



On certain Investment kits

Backed by Forbes

A top financial publisher



Across 3,000 investors

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Robo Advisor Returns Calculator

Calculate how much you can earn by investing in a Robo Advisor. Results vary based on the investment amount, term, and other conditions.




Projected Fees


Projected return


Value after fees


How it Works

Here’s how Q.ai helps investors automatically invest in specific themes with AI:

Here’s how Q.ai helps investors automatically invest in specific themes with AI:


Create an account:

Register on Q.ai to get started—you’ll need to provide your name, address, and other personal information to start investing.


Fund the account

Deposit your chosen amount so Q.ai can get started automatically investing your funds. Q.ai accepts deposits via bank transfer and debit cards.


Choose a portfolio

Users can choose from three portfolios– DIY Portfolio, AI Portfolio and Cash Portfolio. Each portfolio has different investment minimums and targets different goals.


Select Investment Kits

Once users have chosen a portfolio, they can select Investment Kits for that portfolio. Investment Kits are groups of stocks, ETFs and other assets that follow a specific investment sector, theme or strategy and are managed by AI. Once users hit ‘submit’, AI will handle the rest!

See inside MoneyMade’s 6-figure multi-asset portfolio


12+ Assets

50+ Platforms

4yr+ Returns

How You
Make Money

Q.ai automatically allocates your money to a portfolio of stocks, ETFs & cryptos or other assets called an Investment KIt.

These Investment Kits buy assets through a broker on behalf of the user and the assets could appreciate over time, thus allowing the user to make money.

To cash in your gains, you can initiate a withdrawal, which requires the selling of assets from the specific Kit(s) they are withdrawing from. The AI Portfolio will automatically optimize the portfolio for maximum performance when a withdrawal is initiated.

Primary Sale

Users can sell their investments on the app

How Q.ai
Makes Money

Q.ai does not currently charge any fees for its services; however, they are exploring additional premium services for the future. 



Q.ai does not charge any fees.

How You’re Taxed

Stocks can be subject to capital gains tax, with the exact rate depending on the taxpayer's country of residence, personal income tax bracket and whether or not the investment is held in a tax-advantaged account.

At the end of each tax year, Q.ai sends investors a 1099 form to file their tax returns. However, investors are not expected to trigger a taxable event until one of their stocks are sold. Investments held for longer than a year benefit from long-term capital gains tax—taxed at a much lower rate than ordinary income.

Federal, state and local taxes also affect the total tax burden associated with the investment. For more clarity, consult with an advisor before making an investment.


Capital Gains

Investments held for >1 year benefit from long-term cap gains tax

Meet the Team

Q.ai is a 50-person team with backgrounds in AI and machine learning, finance, economics and law.

Stephen Mathai-Davis co-founded Q.ai and was a prominent data scientist in the fintech field. Stephen also sold his previous startup, Quantamize to Forbes.


Here's what you'll need to invest on Q.ai

US citizens & residents
Accredited & non-accredited investors
Over 18 years of age
US citizens & residents
Accredited & non-accredited investors
Over 18 years of age


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